Welcome to Blumenthals.com Web Hosting!
This is a sample home page provided
to help you get started with your web hosting account. When you upload your web
site, you will replace this with your own home page. We recommend that you read
this entire document before you start using your web hosting account. We also
suggest that you print a copy of this page for your records.
If you are seeing this page after
you have uploaded your site, please review the information below on where to
place your HTML files and on how to empty your browser cache. Those are the two
most common problems encountered when uploading a new site.
For your convenience, a copy of this
sample home page is permanently available in the support area of our web site -
You can bookmark that page for later reference.
Uploading Your Web Site
- To upload your files to your account, you need to use either
your cPanel an FTP program (FTP
stands for File Transfer Protocol), or you can choose to publish using
Microsoft FrontPage (FrontPage Publishing Extensions can be activated in cPanel).
If you have never used FTP before, this
page explains how download an FTP program and set it up to allow you to access
your account:
- Your username must be entered in all lower case letters when you
log on to your account. If you use upper case letters, you will not be able to
log on.
- Your password must be entered exactly as you indicated on your order.
If you chose a password with an upper case letter, you must use that upper
case letter when you enter your password.
- When using FTP, your HTML files and CGI scripts must be uploaded using
ASCII mode. Image files, on the other hand, must be uploaded using BINARY
mode. If you upload an image file using ASCII mode, your image will not work.
- Where to place your HTML
files. All your web-related files, including HTML files,
images, CGI scripts, and so on, should go inside the public_html directory. This directory is located in
the root directory for your account, and you will see when it you log onto
your account using FTP. If you do not place the files in your public_html directory, your web site will not work.
- We recommend that the main page for your site be given one of the
following names: index.html, or index.htm. These
files names are the default file names, which means that if a file with one of
those names is present, it will be displayed in the web browser. If no file
with one of these names is present, a list of all the files in your directory
will be displayed. Other default names include index.shtml (for files
containing server-side includes), index.php (for running PHP commands)
and index.cgi (for CGI scripts). These default file names apply to all
directories in your public_html directory.
- Remember that the system is case sensitive to upper and lower
case directory and file names. This means that there is a difference between
an upper case letter (like A) and a lower case letter (like a). This can
sometimes cause problems - some links will not work and images will not load.
We recommend that you use only lower case letters for all of your file and
directory names, and for your links. In doing so, you will avoid problems
related to case sensitivity.
- Do not use spaces or other special characters (like commas, question
marks, quotes or percent signs) in your file or directory names. If you use
characters like this, some parts of your web site will not be accessible by
all web browsers. You should only use upper case and lower case letters (A to
Z), numbers and period.
- How to empty your browser
cache. Whenever you visit a web site, your web browser
remembers what was on the site. When you are working on a web site, this can
mean that what your web browser shows you and what you expect to see are not
the same. If that happens to you, please refer to this page:
- Make sure you test your web site using both Netscape and Internet
Explorer. Both browsers are equally popular, and you want your site to work
for everyone who visits.
- If you want to change your password, you may do so in your cPanel.
Please be aware, however, that RapidWeb and mySQL users should be careful as this can also
affect your database login.
About Your E-Mail
- By default, mail sent to any address using your domain name (for example,
sales@yourdomain.com, info@yourdomain.com, etc.) will be sent to your main POP
account (the username and password for your main POP account are the same as
the username and password for your FTP account). Your cPanel
explains how to set up your email software.
- You can change the forwarding of your e-mail or add different addresses
(for example, forward mail sent to info@yourdomain.com to a different POP
account or external address) simply by changing your cPanel Forwarders.
- Your web hosting account comes with one POP account already set up, but
may includes more POP accounts (the exact number depends on your account
type) which you can set up in cPanel. Remember that you do not need a POP
account to have an e-mail address - an address can be forwarded to an existing
POP account or to an external
e-mail account (like your account with your Internet Service Provider).
- Depending on your Hosting Package, you can set up mailing lists (for sending
mail to a large group of people
with automated subscription and unsubscription), and distribution lists (for
sending mail to a small group of people) and autoresponders for your account.
More information on these features can be found in your cPanel.
- If you require any custom MX (mail exchange) settings, just make the change
in your cPanel, and notify us if we need to restart our DNS. There is no charge for
custom MX settings as long as no sub-domain is required.
Your Domain Name
- Once your domain name has been set up with a Registrar such as Register.com or NetSol.com,
you will need to change the DNS to NS1.BLUMENTHALS.COM and NS2.BLUMENTHALS.COM. After you have
made this change, it will take about 48 hours for your domain name to start working.
Advanced Account Features
- Weekly web site statistics are included with all web hosting accounts that
include their own domain name, with the exception of SiteMouse Hosted Accounts.
Your web site stats are charted by two different Stats Packages on the server, and can be
accessed via your cPanel.
- All accounts include support for CGI scripts. You can place your CGI
scripts anywhere in your public_html
directory, as long as the name of the CGI script ends in .cgi or .pl
Specific help with CGI scripts is available from this page:
http://www.bignosebird.com/lscgi.shtml and many other tutorial sites.
- Lots of CGI scripts are pre-installed to the system directory. You can use
any of these CGI scripts for your web site. There are pre-installed scripts
for form-to-email, counters, clocks and lots more. Your cPanel contains a list and instructions.
Getting Help